With a debt consolidation loan, you can combine multiple payments into one easy, low interest payment which means you could save money and pay off debt quicker! When your finances are in order, it gives you peace of mind. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being worry free, and at DuGood, that’s how you’ll feel about your finances!
*Annual Percentage Rate. Rates vary, are subject to change, and are based on individual credit worthiness. Rate quoted is based on A+ credit rating. Payment example: A debt consolidation loan of $10,000 for 60 months at 5.75% APR will have a monthly payment of $192.17. Not all applicants will qualify. Offer valid for a limited time. Restrictions apply. Contact credit union for complete details.
With a debt consolidation loan, you can combine multiple payments into one easy, low interest payment which means you could save money and pay off debt quicker! When your finances are in order, it gives you peace of mind. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of being worry free, and at DuGood, that’s how you’ll feel about your finances!
why consolidate at DuGood?
Pay less interest and
save more money
With a lower interest rate you can save money over the life of your loan.
Higher credit limits
Consolidate more of your debt with higher credit limits than ever before.
Pay debt quicker
The less you have to pay in interest, the more you can put toward reducing your debt.
Eliminate multiple payments
and due dates
Combine multiple payments and due dates by consolidating into one easy, low interest payment.
Save time
You can save time by eliminating multiple payments and setting up automatic payments with us.
keep account info safe
Avoid sharing your card number and account information across multiple websites.