Staying Secure When You Go Mobile

Posted by Rebecca Prince on October 26, 2018

Smiling couple looking at a phone

Smartphones, tablets and laptops have become part of our daily life. We are a society of constant connection. Whether through email, social media, or group chatting – we expect instant contact. We work and socialize on the go, but with this convenience comes a few things to remember to keep your financial information safe.


Have a password on your phone and enable auto-lock. This might seem annoying, but it’s necessary. Avoid identifying words and phrases, such as your dog’s name, your birthdate or hometown in your password. These are too easy to access. Use at least eight random characters with a variety of character types (numbers, letters and symbols).

Wireless Connections

Turn off your wireless, Bluetooth, and location services in your settings when not using them, so your movements won’t be tracked when you’re not connecting to hotspots. When you’re connected to a public WiFi, keep in mind it isn’t secure. Avoid accessing your key accounts when using a public network. If necessary, use a VPN (virtual private network) or personal hotspot.


Keep your operating system, mobile security software, web browser, and apps updated. It’s easy to ignore all the update requests, but they serve a greater purpose. Some of these updates contain security upgrades developed from flaws in your current system. For added security, you may want to consider a security software app from the iOS App Store or Google Play. Also, delete any apps you are no longer using to give you more security and space on your mobile device.

Sensitive Information

Many phones are now able to support USB drives – but don’t download sensitive documents on your devices. Pick up a USB “On-the-Go” Flash Drive to connect to your phone or tablet and you can work on your mobile device while keeping important files separate.  

Your Online Identity

Use security and privacy settings on websites and apps to limit how much personal information you share. Be cautious when signing up for anything on the internet. Where you shop, your hobbies, and other identifying information can easily be obtained. With fraudulent emails, texts, calls, and voice mails on the rise, don’t open or respond to anything suspicious.

How DuGood Can Help

At DuGood, we work hard to keep our members safe! We offer several products and services to help defend you against fraud.

Also, be sure to check out our Security Center.  It's filled with helpful information and  great articles like this one!

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