Helpful DuGood Articles

about Budgeting & Saving (3)

If you’ve ever tried to shed a few pounds, you know there are plenty of diets to choose from. And whether they’re dictating how much you can eat or what types of foods are acceptable, most diets have one thing in common – they’re unsustainable.

If you find it challenging to make ends meet, financially speaking, it could be a sign that you are living beyond your means. It’s easy to get over-extended - especially with so many people living out loud with all their new purchases on social media. And online shopping only perpetuates these struggles due to its overwhelming ease and convenience.

The best way to achieve financial milestones is through a budget. But creating a budget and sticking to it are two entirely different things. While on paper, you may have the perfect plan to meet your monthly expenses and grow your savings, in reality, life happens.

Living paycheck-to-paycheck can be very draining and inadvertently affect everyone in your household. While you may be paying your bills on time and covering all your monthly costs, one unexpected expense can cause the house of cards to come crashing down. Sure, you could try to get a second job or start a side hustle, but in reality, it’s not that easy – especially if you’re raising children.

Fall semester is rapidly approaching, and next generation of students hitting college campuses is taking more responsibility when it comes to paying for their education.